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How do I change the language to English??
Just Updated
Hi i made a translation of animal country's 1st event \o/
I noticed the event story translations page in the wikia is still blank so please feel free to put this one in the wiki
I'll share them here once i'm done with other event stories
A zip(rar) of rips of the voice dramas of country event units' stories who appeared in the anime.
(Edited by Caratto)
so i fixed a kanji error in michelia's page and added a translation for her title but it ended up breaking the image's link... sorry abt that;;
also i made a livejournal for my future merc storia story translations \o/
im going to translate the events in the anime first and move to other events from there! theres also someone who translates the main story on tumblr
and a friend of mine has bits of translations too
(just putting them here in case it's somehow needed)
(Edited by Sdcn)
It's actually really easy to do, but I still can't get the full unit images (I tried downloading Unity and importing them into there, but still can't figure it out. You'd probably have to do something with the shader files that are there... but I don't know what.)
I've mentioned much of this before, but I'll put it here too for reference purposes.
Unfortunately, graphics are stored locally and get cleared occasionally to optimize game performance (and when you use "Clear Cache" through your "ひとこと" page, although I'm not sure to what degree this is the case).
I don't know how it is for iPhone, but for Android, you can access these files through storage → Android → jp.co.happyelements.toto → Shared → UnityCache → files.
[Android Emulator (NoxPlayer)]
If you don't have an Android phone, if you have a computer, you can download NoxPlayer (android emulator, https://www.bignox.com/) and install the game from the Play Store.
Firstly, enable root through Settings to move files from NoxPlayer to your computer.
To get the folder to somewhere you can work with, open the pre-installed Files application and go through root (if root) → storage (if root) → 0 (if root) → Android → jp.co.happyelements.toto → Shared → UnityCache. Select the "files" folder and return to the directory where you started → mnt → shared → any folder. Paste it here. Click the monitor icon on the sidebar of the program to open the "shared" directory to find what you moved!
The path should be
You can copy the "files" folder found in this location to another place and run AssetStudio (https://github.com/Perfare/AssetStudio/releases) to extract this folder ("Extract Folder"). After it's done decompressing the CAB files in it, use "Load Folder" select the folder again to load the assets. Then they can be exported in bulk.
The grayscale images are alpha maps, I presume that within the text files under [Shaders] is the RGB data for them. From what I could find, the unit illustrations/icons/other icons and backgrounds have been compressed through ETC1, which compresses 4x4 pixel groups of color into 64-bit words, leaving the alpha channel separate, which is the grayscale/white transparent images we can extract.
Graphics that export just fine so far:
Everything(?) except big unit images, unit images without effects, unit icons, unit other icons, story backgrounds (all of them are alpha maps)
[Example] So if you wanted to export the graphic of an item you have, you'd have to go into your items and have the game load the graphic.
I was able to get some units' story portraits as well, but you'd have to view each unit/event story to load them. (゚◞⊖◟゚ )))Э Also, be careful of loading too many graphics within a short time, or the game will lag to the point that it automatically restarts and refreshes the cache (I only had this problem once however. Not sure how much is "too many").
https://www.vg-resource.com/thread-31141.html (guide to using AssetStudio)
Sorry for the long post. m(__)m
(Updated to be clearer and add information about unit illusts/etc.)
(Edited by Caratto)
It's been a while(again)...!
This is actually something I've been thinking about for a long time, but thought it could be messy because there are still some icon images without the current naming scheme.
But because it's possible to leave the filename of images up to the other information filled in the template, like how it is for the main image in merc-storia-english.wikia.com/wiki/Template:Unit_(main-jpg), maybe the icon images can be done this way as well.
[[File:3 star Water Stab Orthos small icon.png]]
[[File:{{{rarity}}} star {{{element}}} {{{weapon}}} {{{name}}} small icon.png]] (in the template)
But for this to work, the files with " -Evolve-" have to be renamed, such as
[[File:4 star Water Stab Orthos small icon -Evolve-.png]]
Even though it's a small thing, I think doing it this way would make unit pages much easier and quicker to create and update (especially since the icon filename isn't included in the old template). The existing pages would have to be edited(?) (the template is kept) but considering that the majority of unit pages still need to be created, what do you think? I apologize if I seem petty with this suggestion haha...
Edit: Ah... I realized the filenames would have to be moved often because many of the translated names are not final... then I would suggest to replace the name with the JP name, but it's too many files to rename. >< Thinking about it, is that the reason why it wasn't done for the icon image?
(Edited by Caratto)
Rough translation. The bottom parts are kinda repetitive but I'll list them out later anyways OTZ
Unsure about whether or not you can change allocations more than once.
Pray still takes 15 BP.
Just for reference.
Guild Versus Event is a form of Guild Battle where guilds fight each other 1 on 1.
Guild members are assigned to one of the five forts. At each fort you have to set defence seeds, and for strengthening the fort’s defences you will have to pray, and also attack the enemy’s forts.
Whoever who has defeated more forts at the end will win!
Guild Versus is conducted during four different sessions:
Morning: 8:00 - 8:30
Noon: 12:30 - 13:00
Afternoon: 18:30 - 19:00
Night: 19:00 - 22:30 (Any 30 minutes within the session)
Morning, noon and afternoon will be used for allocating members between forts (once you are allocated to a fort you cannot move), setting up defence seeds, and also “Praying” which increases the seed’s HP and ATK.
Only during nighttime will you be able to attack.
At 19:00, all forts’ pray and seeds will be available for the enemy to see, and after this point of time you will not be allowed to change seeds or pray.
From then until 22:30, you will be allowed to attack. Starting from your first attack you will be allowed to attack for 30 minutes freely.
Attackable time is counted for each individual user
There will be a lost time of 10 minutes.
A unit can only be assigned to one party. Also, units that have attacked and cleared will not be able to attack again.
Whether its deciding on allocation of strength, or steadily breaking through one point or going all directions depends on the strategy!Capture the forts with your five event-specialised parties! Aim for as many breakthroughs as you can!
There will be individual rewards for destroying forts, and also contribution rewards in guilds. The amount of medals you can be rewarded is set more than the normal guild battles!
Guild Versus will be held 9th June 8:00 to 10th June 22:30.
Event explanation:
Guilds will be matched according to guild rate, and will be fighting 1 vs 1 for points. The guild with more points at the end will win.
Each guild has 5 forts which members can be allocated to freely. Strengthen your defences while attacking enemy forts for points.
※ 6月度の開催分はβ運用となり、勝敗に伴う連勝数、ギルドレート、GRPの変動は行われません。 ※ 当該期間のギルドバトルが休止となることに伴い、全ユーザー様にレアメダル14枚をお贈りする予定です。(I dont get most of this paragraph)
How to join:
The day before Guild Versus, go to Guild > Guild settings > Guild battle settings. If your guild battle settings is set as “Join” then you will be listed as a joining guild.
(The same as normal guild battle, if you enter a guild on the day of Guild Versus you will not be able to participate.)
Morning: 8:00 - 8:30
Noon: 12:30 - 13:00
Afternoon: 18:30 - 19:00
Night: 19:00 - 22:30 (Any 30 minutes)
Morning, noon and afternoon: Switch members between forts. One fort can have max 4 people.
Once you are allocated to a fort, you cannot move forts.
Set up defence seeds, “Pray” to increase seed’s HP and ATK.
【朝・昼・夕の部】 ・メンバーは、5つの砦のうち、任意の一つに所属します。 ※ 1つの砦には、最大4人が所属できます。 ※ 一度砦に所属した後は、所属する砦を変更することはできません。 ・8:00以降、砦への所属、イベント攻略用のパーティ設定、防衛用シードの共有・設定を行うことができるようになります。 ※ パーティ枠は5つあり、登録できるユニットは1体につき1パーティとなります。 ※ 防衛シードは、通常のギルドバトルと同様に、1ユーザーあたり2体までを共有することができます。 ※ 防衛シードは、砦に所属したメンバーが共有したモンスターを最大5体設定することができます。 ※ 同じモンスターを同じ砦に複数設定することはできません。(別々の砦に同じシードモンスターを設定することは可能となります。) ・砦に所属すると、各部の時間中、「祈り」を行うことができます。 ※ 祈りは、自分の所属した砦に対して行うことができます。 ※ 祈りによる%に応じて、防衛シードのモンスターの体力が強化されます。また、攻撃力はその1/10が強化されます。 ※ 祈りは、1回につき15Bpを消費し、役職問わず10%上昇し、部をまたいでも減衰しません。 ※ 夜の部以外、出撃はできません。
【夜の部】 ・19:00の時点で、各砦の防衛シードと祈りが相手に開示され、以降、防衛シードの変更や祈りはできなくなります。 ※ 夜以降は、新規に砦に所属することも不可となります。 ・メンバーはそれぞれ、19:00~22:30までの任意のタイミングで出撃し、相手の砦を1つ攻略することで1Ptを獲得できます。 ※ 初期Spは310,000となります。 ※ 出現するシードモンスターの強さは、通常時のギルドバトルと同様のルールで強化されます。 ※ クリアしたユニットの再出撃はできません(出撃したパーティ枠の再編成は可能です)。ただし、レアリティが異なる場合は重複とみなされず、出撃することができます。一方、ユニットスタイル違いなどレアリティが同一である場合は、再出撃することはできません。 ※ 砦を攻略したユニットが装備していたシードやルーンは、クリアした後に取り外し、別にユニットに設定して再度利用することが可能です。 ※ 砦に所属していない状態でも、相手の砦に対して出撃することは可能です。 ・1回目の出撃から30分の間、何度でも、任意の砦に出撃することができます。 ※ 攻略の成功した砦に対して再度出撃することはできません。 ※ 30分間のカウントは、ユーザー単位で行われます。 ※ 22:40まで、クリアによるPt獲得が可能です(出撃できるのは22:30までとなります) ※ 初回の出撃から30分経過した後の10分間までのクリアが有効となります。 ※ 夜の部までに、所属メンバーがいない、もしくは、防衛シードが1体も設定されていなかった砦への出撃は、クエストは行わずにクリアと同様の扱いとなります。 ・難易度は、ふつう、ムズ、激ムズの3種類があり、防衛シードが120秒、60秒、0秒の間隔で出現します。(難易度によるステータスには変化無く、激ムズは同時に最大5体出現します) ・防衛シードは、設定されたもののみが出現します。(2体しか設定されていない場合は、2体だけ出現します) ・クエストは、通常のギルドバトルと同様、勇気の水2個またはダイヤ1個でコンティニューすることが可能です。 【勝敗について】 22:40の時点で、獲得したPtの多いギルドが勝者となります。 ※ メンバーの砦への所属、砦の防衛シード、祈り値は、翌日にリセットされます。 【報酬】 報酬には、勝利したギルドメンバーに対して贈られるギルド報酬と、砦をクリアした際に贈られる個人報酬の2種類があります。
【ギルド報酬】 ・当日に1Pt以上を獲得するか、1回以上祈ったメンバー全員に、翌日0時以降に順次プレゼントボックスに贈られます。 ※ 同点だった場合は獲得できません。 ・報酬は、ギルドレートに応じて、下記の通りとなります。 1701以上 : 500,000ゴルド、メダル100枚 1651~1700: 475,000ゴルド、メダル83枚 1601~1650: 450,000ゴルド、メダル67枚 1551~1600: 425,000ゴルド、メダル63枚 1501~1550: 400,000ゴルド、メダル59枚 1451~1500: 375,000ゴルド、メダル56枚 1401~1450: 350,000ゴルド、メダル53枚 1351~1400: 325,000ゴルド、メダル50枚 1301~1350: 300,000ゴルド、メダル47枚 1251~1300: 275,000ゴルド、メダル44枚 1201~1250: 250,000ゴルド、メダル41枚 1151~1200: 225,000ゴルド、メダル38枚 1101~1150: 200,000ゴルド、メダル36枚 1051~1100: 175,000ゴルド、メダル34枚 1050以下 : 150,000ゴルド、メダル32枚
【個人報酬】 夜の部において、1Ptを獲得するごとに、ギルドレートに応じて、下記の通りプレゼントボックスに贈られます。 1701以上 : 100,000ゴルド 1651~1700: 90,000ゴルド 1601~1650: 80,000ゴルド 1551~1600: 70,000ゴルド 1501~1550: 60,000ゴルド 1451~1500: 50,000ゴルド 1401~1450: 45,000ゴルド 1351~1400: 40,000ゴルド 1301~1350: 35,000ゴルド 1251~1300: 30,000ゴルド 1201~1250: 25,000ゴルド 1151~1200: 22,500ゴルド 1101~1150: 20,000ゴルド 1051~1100: 17,500ゴルド 1050以下 : 15,000ゴルド
(Edited by Ft999)
for everyone here who doesnt know yet, theres a page for the main story quests
hello im here to report that i made a page for the protag profiles (only 3 left to translate)
Sorry if it's not in order! I'll just drop some of the screenshots that I have taken~ Or would it be better if I post the ss on images page?
(Edited by LittleTerri)
Heyya! Momo aka MilkTea here! I do want to apologize in advance if I make any mistakes. Is there a possibility I can contribute some of my ss of my units for the unit costume ( I have a few ). I'm still clueless about the wiki pages layout ^^"
Sample down below!
(Edited by LittleTerri)
hi, I'm dropping in missing shaharyu profile picture, since it's requested on main page. I wanted to add it to her page but Main template seems to works odd on them so I didn't want to mess up with code until someone more skilled will check it uwu;; hope image itself will be helpful anyway
will there ever be a page about yuu? he is a character of his own even if he isnt an official unit, so i was wondering if he'd ever have some sort of backstory section on the wiki to him
can someone help me with the guild war? <--< i dont understant it
woah um,, hey there,,
Seeing this wiki being kinda uh, 'dead' (no offence to everyone, you've done a gr8 job doing everything here and you deserve a round of applause),, I've decided to help?? around a bit and translate things and correct minor mistakes; prolly going to work on the unit profiles and such (when the actual unit stats are more important yikes). I'll try my best in helping out with the 2-3* units with my limited ability in wiki coding (orz) if they still need updating or even creating their pages.
It's nice to meet you all,,, if you don't want me around you can always kick me out of here-- (I'm not maso I swear) and uh,, glad to be here!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
this was a kinda bad first impression I'm smh
Here are the new things in the 1.5.13 ver update (translated by Necくん):
■ Purchasing dia now requires players to input their birthdates.
*Players will be asked to set their birthdate upon their first purchase of dia.
■ Max BP gauge increased from 600→1,000.
■ Can now set assist unit from storage album.
■ Max unit awaken limit on storage album is now 15.
■ Endure Rune power up.
■ Able to set up order of equipped runes.
■ Country Mind feature will be activated on Dec.13
*Further details on Country Mind will be announced on its release date.
Hello again, it's been a while! I'm sorry that I haven't been contributing as of recent Dx but this came to mind all of a sudden.
Since コンフィ is from the Candy Country, I thought it would make sense. Confit, like a strawberry confit. The pronunciation is even the same.
(Although, I'm still not sure what exactly a confit (as a dessert) is and whether it's different from duck confit or not haha.)
(Edited by Caratto)
Hello! I started playing Merc Storia recently, came to the wiki for help, saw the state of it, and now I've become a contributor instead? Hahah, so, yes, I'm going to help translating the profiles. And speaking of, if anyone could get the images and add the max level stats, then you could count the 1★ category complete. Also, the male Archer is missing something :) <hint hint
I've made a quick draft of an evolve template for units that evolve/have evolved. It uses parameters to fill in the filename instead of having to go to the unit list to find the icons, unless one's already familiar with the filenames.
The downside of this is that all parameters in the filenames have to be capitalized, but I guess that wouldn't be a problem if it was added to the main Unit template (?), as those fields are already filled out in that stats section.
The other issue is that some (older?) icons aren't named consistently with the others.
I'm not so good at wikitext, so I wouldn't know how to integrate it (because some units evolve and some don't).
But then again it's just an idea, so what do you think?
Maybe I should have put this in Testing 'x'
Also, should we have a category for age groups? It could be helpful for point gathering events.
(Edited by Caratto)